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768 Creative Industrial Park

|Updated : 2022-09-21

Beijing Dahua Radio Instrument Co., Ltd. (former State-run 768 Factory) was founded in 1958 with a registered capital of 34.11 million yuan ($4.84 million). It is the earliest large-scale backbone enterprise of microwave measuring instruments in China, and is now affiliated to Beijing Electronics Holdings Co., Ltd. At present, it is an electronic control instrumentation platform for development of the four major business areas of precision instruments, smart instruments, new energy and 768 creative industry park operations. In addition, it has also achieved industry leadership in some key products, and made important contributions to localized substitution in the field of high-end instrumentation manufacturing.

The company's products are widely used in automotive energy, general electronics, aerospace, municipal, chemical, pharmaceutical and national defense fields to solve the dependence on imports of high-end instrumentation and the bottleneck of core components. Its existing customers include China Aerospace, Aerospace Science and Industry, China Electric Power, BAIC Group, Beijing Metro, Beijing Gas, Wuhan Iron and Steel, Beijing Water Supply Group and many other industry leaders.

768 Creative Industrial Park was established in 2009 and is affiliated to the company. The park is one of the few remaining old industrial sites. It was conceived by former Soviet designers in the 1950s and was one of the 156 key projects in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The park currently covers an area of 68,700 square meters including a construction area of 37,800 square meters.

The park is mainly based on digital culture, artificial intelligence, creative design and other cultural and technological integration industries. It provides a one-stop industrial ecological service platform of "technology + finance + talent + incubation + resources" for settled enterprises. At the same time, the park is building an open public cultural service platform and exploring a new urban public cultural service model. At present, there are nearly 100 companies settled in the park, and four unicorns such as Zhihu and Maimai have been incubated, giving the park a reputation as a cradle of unicorn incubation.

(Copywriter: Wang Liyan)